Ajuga(Carpet Bugle) is a genus of annual and perennial herbaceous flowering plants. They are from the mint family Lamiaceae, which can be found from Europe to Asia, and Africa, as well as with two species found in southeastern Australia. The Ajuga can grow to 5-50 cm tall, with opposite leaves.
The Ajuga has blue and occasionally pink or white flowers on leafy spikes. The names of cultivars usually provide an indication to the character of the leaves. The flower spikes are about 15 cm tall. The Ajuga spread by runners to colonize new areas.
Ajuga is an easy to grow evergreen or semi-evergreen plant which tolerates wide range of soil condition. It grows well in partial shade, moist soil. Propagation is softwood cuttings in summer. The plant can be affected by powdery mildew.
The following is a selection of ajuga species:
Ajuga australis - Australian Bugle
Ajuga decumbens - Kiransou
Ajuga bombycina
Ajuga bracteosa
Ajuga campylantha
Ajuga campylanthoides
Ajuga chamaepitys - Yellow Bugle
Ajuga chasmophila
Ajuga chia
Ajuga ciliata
Ajuga decaryana
Ajuga decumbens
Ajuga dictyocarpa
Ajuga flaccida
Ajuga forrestii
Ajuga genevensis - Blue Bugle, Geneva Bugleweed
Ajuga glabra
Ajuga iva
Ajuga japonica
Ajuga laxmannii
Ajuga linearifolia
Ajuga lobata
Ajuga lupulina
Ajuga macrosperma
Ajuga makinoi
Ajuga mollis
Ajuga multiflora
Ajuga nipponensis
Ajuga nubigena
Ajuga oblongata
Ajuga oocephala
Ajuga ophrydris
Ajuga orientalis
Ajuga ovalifolia
Ajuga pantantha
Ajuga piskoi
Ajuga postii
Ajuga pygmaea
Ajuga pyramidalis - Pyramidal Bugle
Ajuga relicta
Ajuga remota
Ajuga reptans - Common Bugle
Ajuga robusta
Ajuga salicifolia
Ajuga sciaphila
Ajuga shikotanensis
Ajuga taiwanensis
Ajuga tenorii - Bugleweed
Ajuga vestita
Ajuga xylorrhiza
Ajuga yesoensis
Ajuga pyramidalis http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ajuga_pyramidalis_01.jpg Rainer J. Wagner