Gazania (Treasure Flower)


Gazania (Treasure flower) is a genus comprising about 17 species of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae, native to Southern Africa, occuring in South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Tanzania and Angola. Gazania is named after Theodorus Gaza (1400-1475), a Greek humanist and translator of Aristotle. The species also naturalised in Australia, New Zealand, and California.

Gazania is an annual or evergreen perennial, usually treated as half-hardy annuals and included in summer bedding schemes. The flowers which appear in late spring and early summer, are daisy-like and grown for their brilliant colors. The plants are ideal for bedding, containers and also as cut flowers. Trailing Gazania (G.rigens var. leucolaena) is commonly grown as groundcover and can be planted to cover large areas or embarkments, assisted by their fast growth rate.

Gazania rigens is a commonly grown Gazania with three recognised varieties. They are G.rigens var. leucolaena (Trailing Gazania); G.rigens var. rigens (Clumping Gazania); and G. rigens var. uniflora. The species occurs in South Africa and Mozambique. The flowers are borne in late spring and early summer.

The plants are grouped in different series depending on the colors of their flowers.

Chansonette Series - flowers are in shades of yellow, apricot, orange, bronze, lavender-pink or dark red. All are zoned with a contrasting color.

Daybreak Series - flowers are bronze, orange, pink, yellow or white color, usually with a contrasting central zone.

Mini-star Series - plants have orange, white, yellow, cream-yellow, bronze or bright pink flowers. Some are zoned with a contrasting color.

Cultivar 'Tiger Stripes' can grow to 30 cm tall and across, has yellow petals with a bold orange-brown stripe down the centre of each petal and bright yellow centre.

Gazania is trouble free and do best in a sunny position and well-drained soil. The flowers open fully only in sunshine. They are tolerant of dryness and poor soils. Propagation is by seed in early spring.

Gazania rigens
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Gazania hybrid 'Copper King'
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authorshipStan Shebs
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Gazania 'Daybreak Red Strip'
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authorshipRüdiger Wölk
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authorshipSam Oth
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authorshipValérie & Agnès
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