Intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) is a sod-forming perennial grass, commonly called wheatgrass because of the similarity of their seed heads to common wheat. This species is among the most productive forage species in the western United States.
Intermediate wheatgrass can be grown effectively in mixture with alfalfa to increase its productivity, longevity, and forage quality. This wheatgrass is an excellent food source for grazing and browsing animals. If left unharvested, the vegetation is a good nesting habitat for waterfowl and birds.
Intermediate wheatgrass has nutritional values similar to that of wheat. The grain can be ground into flour and used for food products, including muffins, tortillas, pancakes, cookies, crackers, and breads.
Intermediate wheatgrass are tied into bundles to be cut and threshed Dehaan
Field of ripening Intermediate wheatgrass Dehaan
Field of ripening Intermediate wheatgrass Dehaan