Pacay (Inga feuilleei) is a pod-bearing perennial tree in the family Fabaceae, native to Central and South America. It is often cultivated for its edible white pulp which surround the large seeds. It also known as Ice-cream bean, due to the sweet flavor and smooth texture of the pulp.
Pacay tree can grow up to 20 m tall, and can withstand temperatures to 30'C when mature. The tree is often damaged at low temperatures. Pacay tree usually grows near river banks, so it has year-round irrigation. It is resistant to disease and fire, fast-growing, and is tolerant of diverse soils. The seed pods are straight, narrow, with a sweet, vanilla-scented, cotton-like edible pulp on the inside. The pods can be easily cracked open to expose the white pulp. The edible wedges can be taken out one by one and eaten. Each wedge contains a seed which separates cleanly from the fiber around it. The seeds are black and glossy, and are often sprouting in the ripe fruit.
Propagation is by seeds. The seeds should not be allowed to dry before planting, and generally begin germination while still in the pods.
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